Madagaskar (re)

IPS News: Seeds for Supper as Drought Intensifies in South Madagascar

IPS News: Mit Maniok und Süßkartoffeln gegen die Dürre

IPS News: Illegal logging

IPS: Malagasy Children Bear Brunt of Severe Drought

The New Humanitarian: Drought and deforestation, children

The New Humanitarian: Disaster-prone Madagascar battles flood and drought

WWF Blog: Klimakatastrophe Madagaskar

Tagesspiegel: Klimawandel auf Madagaskar, Dürre, Wassermangel, Not

Amnesty International: Klimakrise, Madagaskar

UN NEWS: Severe hunger in southern Madagascar likely persist into 2017 due to drought-hit crops, UN warns

Reuters: Climate smart agriculture

Observers: Madagascar takes climate change battle to the kitchen

CFI Terra Media: Radio stations in Madagascar mobilise efforts against climate change


The Guardian: Madagascar – Climate change plagues poor


The Guardian: Madagascar must wake up to climate change - and not just at election time


BBC: Climate change - threatens lemurs


DW: Madagascar: No more fish? We'll farm seaweed instead

EnergieZukunft: Klimakrise Madagaskar


WFP: Klima Hungersnot Madagaskar


UNDP: Strengthening the adaptation and resilience of rural communities facing climate change in Madagascar


Red Cross, Climate Centre: Extreme heat, underreported and understudied