Climate Change and Health in Tanzania (Euster Kibona)

Variability and extremes in climate is part of life in Africa and Tanzania particularly. Over 70% of Tanzanians survive on subsistence agriculture; their livelihoods depend fully on rain, and fail when the rains fail. These extremes of droughts and floods threaten the lives and livelihoods of the poor more than other social groups. As one of the least developed countries (LDCs), Tanzania is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. As a country it is committed to the objectives of the UNFCCC, which is to achieve the stabilization of greenhouse gas (GHGs) concentration at a level that would prevent continued dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system. To show this commitment, the country has submitted a National Communication to the UNFCCC in 2003, and is now in a process of preparing a second report. Tanzania has also prepared a NAPA document, which reports on immediate and urgent needs for adaptation to climate change. Since the impacts of climate change are also severe at the community-level, non governmental institutions (NGOs) in Tanzania also have an obligation to respond to the impacts of climate change. Climate thus presents a risk, to livelihoods and sometimes lives at the individual level, and to economy and infrastructure at the national at the national and regional levels. The report presented here gives an overall situation of Tanzania in terms of climate change impacts on health. In this way it lays a foundation for continued progress with climate change adaptation activities in Tanzania.

in: CLACC Working Paper 7, IIED, London, 2008

Copyright: IIED, London.


Created Date: 21-10-2015
Last Updated Date: 30-11-2015
License: Link only