South Africa/Südafrika (re)

elections2024: DM: Political party manifestos, climate change, environmental issues

elections2024: TheConversation: Electricity crisis, what political parties say in manifestos about solving it

elections2024: DM: Load shedding stopped, elections

elections2024: MG: Ramokgopa - No link elections - load shedding

elections2024: The Citizen: Lack of load shedding, elections, Ramokgopa, ESKOM

elections2024: BusinessTech: Massive turn for load shedding, ESKOM

elections2024: BusinessTech: South Africans expect load shedding to be back after the elections

Climate Change/Home News: South Africa tried to weaken corruption safeguards in coal phase out deal, says CEO

Climate Change/Home News: ESKOM poisoning raises fears for South Africa's energy transition

Climate Change/Home News: South Africa pitches plan to shift from coal to clean energy

Climate Change/Home News: South Africa approves energy transition investment plan 

Climate Change/Home News: South Africa turns to renewables, gas and batteries

Climate Change/Home News: South Africa finance package model for ending reliance on coal

Climate Change/Home News: South Africa's climate change advisors urge faster shift away from fossil fuels

Climate Change/Home News: South Africa's coal lobby is resisting a green transition

Climate Change/Home News: Local business group tries to keep South Africa’s coal plants alive

Climate Change/Home News: Rich nations "understanding" of South African delay to coal plant closure

Climate Change/Home News: Restrictions on energy firm’s borrowing complicates South Africa’s energy transition

Climate Change/Home News: South Africa tighten 2030 emmissions target

Climate Change/Home News: Uncertainty on renewable retaining frightens South Africa's coal communities

Climate Change/Home News: South African ministry uses opaque modelling to argue for weakening climate ambition

Climate Change/Home News: South African bank GCF accreditation

Climate Change/Home News: South Africa’s Ramaphosa signs carbon tax into law

News24: Mantashe ahead of COP27 in Egypt

News24: Climate future, Energy

News24: Power crisis, Plan to prevent total economic collapse

News24: EU's carbon penalties are coming, here's what South Africa needs to do

News24: Clock is ticking for Koeberg nuclear fuel

News24: Govt messed up the 9.6GW nuclear project – Mantashe

News24: SASOL seals deal for wind power

News24: Ramokgopa We can't transition in the dark

News24: Watch this artwork is giving Eastern Cape community a voice at COP 28

News24: COP 28, here is what South African need to know

Engineering News: Eskom will miss targets to boost power output from coal plants

Engineering News: Curtailment frameworks submitted to NERSA as new deadline is set for restart of IPP procurement

Engineering News: Stanlib launches country's firt dedicated energy transition asset investment fund (SDG)

Engineering News: SASOL appoints advier to search fo Boegoebaai hydrogen export hub coinvestors

BusinessTech: South Africa's Climate Change Bill heads to Ramaphosa to be signed into law

Environmental Journal: South Africa introduces carbon tax to cut emissions

The Conversation: Carbon tax - Responding to the climate change emergency

The Conversation: South Africa outages: Some improvement but a long way to go before the grid is stable

The Conversation: South Africa's power outages could reach critical levels this winter - likely scenarios

The Conversation: Court rules clean energy constitutional right

DLF: CO2-Steuer in Südafrika, Gesetz für die Zukunft

FAZ: Neue Kohlekraftwerke - Südafrika führt CO2-Steuer ein

FB: Fridays for Future South Africa

DM: Fridays for Future South Africa

Ground Up: Fridays for Future South Africa

Groundup: Cape Town water crisis

Groundup: ER urges Environmental Minister to declare climate emergency

CNN: Baobab tree death linked to climate change

EPO: Deutschland unterstützt erneuerbare Energien in Südafrika

M&G: The greener guardian

M&G: School children campaign to preserve their future in the face of climate crisis

M&G: Coal mining communities left in the dust for a greener future

M&G et al.: Implementing just transition, Civil society has a crucial role to play

M&G: Greening the future - Celebrating environment heroes

M&G: The climate justice charter movement

OP: SA sets hard rules at COP24

OP: Pioneering multi-media tech for climate change

OP: Ths status of South Africa's energy transition financing

OP: Rating SA's transparency on clean energy

OP: Power tracker digs deeper into Mpumalanga renewables

OP: Are municipalities good for JET money? (Mpumalanga)

OP: South Africa's coal lobby pushes back against green tansition

OP: PowerTracker - investigations

OP: PowerTracker - How to use it

OP: Cape Town shines at climate summit

OP: Does SA have to deal with climate change?

OP: SA’s driest season in 23 years

OP: How to make wine without water

OP: Lake St. Lucia World Heritage Site dries up

OP: Drought - rhinos - national parks

Reliefweb: South Africa's water crisis is bigger than the Cape

Future Climate Africa: Africa Water Week

Natural Justice: Climate change - Rooibos Farmers Peer-to-Peer Youth Learning Exchange

Natural Justice: “We want to go home”: The screening of “Rooibos Restitution”

Natural Juctice: CSOs challenge decision to give Karpowership yet another opportunity to amend their envionmental assessment for Richards Bay

The Citizen: Wheeling: The new frontier for renewables

IPS: South Africa's first carbon farm

IPS: One Tune, Different Hymns – Tackling Climate Change in South Africa

IPS: Chile Follows South Africa’s Lead in Climate Change Mitigation

IPS: Amid South Africa’s Drought, Proposed Mine Raises Fears of Wetlands Impa

IPS: South Africa: Rooibos tea – climate change

IPS: Newly Empowered Black Farmers Ruined by South Africa’s Drought

IPS: Climate Change Affecting Fisherwomen’s Livelihoods

IPS: In Need of a Unified Climate Change Policy

IPS: While Politicians Deliberate Climate Change, Others Adapt

UNWomen: Climate Change Workshop Results in Call for Action to Empower Rural Women

DM: Fight over state's oil and gas assets reveals Gwede Mantashe's growing conflict

DM: Green hydrogen frontier: Neocolonialism, green washing or just transition?

DM: South Africa must beware of falling victim to green hydrogen imperialism

DM: Renewable energy projects may keep the lights on longer in 2024

DM: Government's Integral Resource Plan acknowledges rolling blackout will be with SA for years

DM: Ramokgopa pushes for mega renewable enery tender to curb rolling blackouts in South Africa

DM: South African companies hold $17-billion in investments of coal, oil and gas companies, global report

DM: COP 28, South Africa, key debates and expectations

DM Renewable energy projects may keep lights on longer in 2024

DM: Government integrated resource plan acknowledges rolling blackouts will be for years

DM: South Africa must beware of falling victim to green hydrogen imperialism

DM: Heidelberg - Farmers face drought with chance of coal mining

DM: Draft National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy introduced

DM: Ambitious plans - South African climate change model

DM: Polluter of the year: ESKOM coal-fired power stations spew toxic gases across the land

DM: Experts decry South Africa’s new blueprint for energy

DM: Coastal shock, "the timing felt strategic" - activists scramble to submi appeal after government approves seismic survey in Algoa Basin

DM: Barrydale - parade highlights climate change

DM: Two thirds of municipalities fail to provide clean drinking water yet recourse failures prevail

Ground up: The final spring - climate change

Deutschlandradio Kultur: Dürres Land, Südafrika leidet unter historischer Trockenheit

AS: Sonnenenergie aus der Schultasche

AS: Südafrikanische Jugendliche - Akteure in der Umweltbildung

AS: Windstärke 7

AS: Turbulente Energiejahre

AS: Jede Menge Kohle

ClimatechangeNews: South Africa authorises coal splurge during UN climate summit

EarthjournalismNet: A journalist guide to covering net zero in South Africa

EarthjournalismNet: Reporting on costal resilience, a resource guide for African journalists

EarthjournalismNet: Media training workshops on net zero in South Africa and India

EarthjournalismNet: Awards and grants to journalists reporting on net zero in South Africa and India


Videos: South Africa/ Südafrika

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